Sunday, July 4, 2010

We'll Leave The Light On For You

It was Linda that told me that every time she reads my blog she imagines that it is Tom Bodett talking. You remember him. He does those commercials for Motel 6 which makes you chuckle every time you hear them. I've never considered being a Tom Bodett but the more I thought about it the more I liked the notion.

Mr. Bodett's picture is up there. So I looked him up on the World Wide Web Internet Google Thing and I find that he works out of his barn in Vermont where he has a little recording studio set up where records things. I didn't know it but he writes books too. It seems he records stuff on a regular basis for PBS. And lo and behold, there is even a web site for him. The Web Site for Tom Bodett. I think I have a new mission -- read what Mr. Bodett has written. I think I have another mission too -- I somehow need to get a barn.

I guess we all at one time or another find people that we want to latch on to. Ever since I read All I Really Need To Know I Learned in Kindergarten I thought it would be pretty neat to be Robert Fulghum. 

Mr. Fulghum thinks simply. He just observes and comments but does so with a keen imagination that speculates on why and what if and speaks of the wonder of humankind, and does so with humor and grace. I like the humor and grace part. I've read all of his essays.

But it was Donna who said that while she accepted Linda's comment of my Tom Bodettishness, she thought me more of a comic. Now this threw me into a bit of a tizzy because I have never considered myself a comic. I mean when I think of comedy the first person that comes to mind is Rita Rudner.  She is my favorite because she never seems like she is trying to be funny but is. She has also written books. I think if I wanted to be a comic I would want to be her, which when you ponder this, is a strange thing for me to be thinking.

The name of my blog is Gently Said and I won't provide a link so you will have to figure out where it is by yourself. I picked that title because I want readers to understand that when they land here they won't find much about politics or the issues of the day or strong editorials on what you should think or believe. There is much commentary on that and I simply have no more to contribute. I think the only time I ventured into expressing a strong opinion was my foray into Wind Farms and even then I attempted to be a little caustic like Tom Bodett and with humor and grace like Robert Fulghum with some cutesy dialogue like Rita Rudner. When people accidentally find themselves in my blog it is my hope that when they leave they will have a smile on their face and nod a little when they can identify with some of the thoughts. A pleasant place, I hope.

What happens when you combine the a little tiny dab of Tom and a smidgen of Robert and a pinch of Rita and four gallons of Jerry? 

I have to fess up. The picture is a few years old -- it's called putting your best face forward.

Here's hoping you have a scrumptious holiday weekend. We'll leave the light on for ya'. 


  1. What happens? Well, we get funny, wise, clever essays that are "gently said".

    A barn sounds good,lots of possibilities there.

  2. I love coming over here to see what you have to say. And thanks for leaving the light on. It gets dark out here at night.

  3. I'm certainly leaving today with a smile on my face! I'm glad you included the Tom Bodett website and plan to go visit him. I actually was referring more to the actual 'voice', not his style, but I think both fit!

    And, coincidentally, I have two Robert Fulghum books sitting right here within arms reach of my computer - Maybe(Maybe Not) and From Beginning to End, The Rituals of Our Life. They're two of my most often read books.

  4. I don't think I mentioned it before, but when I read that comment, I realized that I also hear Tom Bodett's voice reading your blog. The reason why probably is a combination of the blog title, the blog description, and your breezy writing style. Every visit is a pleasant experience.

    You are a handsome man, even if that picture is a few years old. Are you on a private jet in that photo?

  5. Coleridge defined poetry for us--real poetry,that is, not what wannabe poets so often pretend it is. He said, simply, that poetry was the best words in the best order. It's the same with all writing, I think: a great comedian like Rudner or a yarn-spinner like Bodette or a memoirist like you are all under the gun to get it right. Easy to say, as hard to do as anything I can think of.

  6. Jerry, you and Tom Bodett and Rita Rudner are all on my list of favorites!

  7. One thing I like about your blog, Jerry, is you leave the light on!

  8. I'm not much of a TV watcher but I do remember those Motel 6 commercials & the man's pleasant voice.

  9. I've never heard of Tom Bodett, but I will now check him out to find out what his voice inspires in me. The joy of international blogging!

  10. I do find you very enjoyable, when you are just being you!

  11. I love Tom Bodett. I'm always glad when he's one of the panel on "Wait! Wait! Don't Tell Me!" Very funny man.

  12. In describing comedic style, I recall an article describing the element of pacing. In spoken form it is "timing," but it is essentially the same thing. One example was Ron White. With his pacing as he speaks he could talk about just about anything and people would find it funny.

    I am sure it isn't that easy. Anyway, each of those comics cited has a way of speaking/writing that draws in the listener/reader. Your style does that. In that warm and comfortable space laughter comes easily. Often it is just a matter of pointing out something that is just a tiny bit off, and the laughter comes naturally.

    Whatever it is, you have it.

    You visited my blog and pointed out that I haven't posted in a while. We are selling our house and making a move to another state, and I just have not had the time. It has been a lot of work, and it isn't over yet.

    I hope to be posting again, soon. Meanwhile, thanks for leaving the light on.

  13. Sure proud you leave the light on for us because I do enjoy dropping by

  14. Jerry...sorry, I can't see you or "hear' you as Rita Rudner ( who appears a lot on the Strip, about 45 minutes from our home), but YOU ARE funny without trying or realizing it. (modest man that you are). The way you tell a story is so unassuming and slightly warped. I LOVE IT. I will have to ponder and tune in to the voice I hear in my head when I read your blog...mostly, I am laughing so hard I drown out any other voices in the room!

    By the way...I have meaning to share with you how to eliminate the extra spacing when you copy and paste to your blog. Go under "Edit Post", click on Edit (next to the little box) and then even if it does not show you have extra spaces, remove all extra space between paragraphs by deleting and then hit the enter key or put your cursor at the end of the sentence and hit enter to make the single space you want in between paragraphs. Make sure it is saved and then publish and view blog. Just keep doing it til it works. I seem to have that problem when using Internet Explorer.

    Hope it helps! Happy 4th

  15. Ok I will have to google Rita R. and the Flugher guy...but I do know Tom Boddett. Whenever my hub and me would travel in the states or now on some commericals we hear Tom Bodett. (Beaudette?) I think he may be a CAJUN! Is he? I will google him. His name certainly sounds French background. A very comforting voice; like the voice of this blog.Gently Said! Yes, I love the natural way people talk. Nothing phoney! Is Rita a canuck? I think she may matter I'll google!:)ps if you want a good laugh check out or jack dani on fb. Funny guys from Canada!

  16. sounds like you may have an "OK" blog but since you were too stingy to set up a link in your post, I don't know if I have time to look for it. Also. I have a barn, the damn roof leaks you can use it if you like...sounds like it would fit your style of riting.. rekcon? Damn, how am i ever gonna find that danged blogsite,, oh well,

  17. i wrote the above while I was delirious with hunger. BK fish sandwich later,, I can hardly befieve I said those ugly things,, actually I hope you have read enough of my junk that you knew I was joking.. hheehhee,, ok? lol.. i enjoy,,,,

  18. That was a great post Jerry!
    I think I want a barn also...

  19. Ooooh, Glamor Shot! You could have put that one up in your profile, ya know, and none of us would ever have known the difference.

  20. I love your pic! It's kinda like the one I had up on my profile a good while back, a few years old and definately my best face forward.

    A little bit of this and a little bit of that in your personality is what keeps up here with you. It is a great combo!

  21. Good night, Mr. Bodett, wherever you are.

    Excellent post. You know I never heard much about Rita Rudner but now I may have to waltz up to Las Vegas and check 'er out.

  22. Is that light on one of those motion-sensor thingies? 'Cause people who want to stalk your greatness don't like sudden light in our (I mean, their) eyes.

    Sweetie, you are funny...whether you realize it or not. Your posts often stick with the one about Buddy and the tail smacking the sliding door...or the ones about music and your guest conducting. When you can weave a tale that makes it into a movie in this gal's's a keeper. THAT'S great writing.

  23. Aww, what a lovely post!

    I found you through the darling old professor blog and I’m mighty glad I did. You fast became a firm favourite and the best blogging buddy a girl could ask for!

    Definitely leave the light on for me- as I’ll be back soon x



  25. The analogy to Tom Bodett is a good one: he sounds folksy, you write folksy. He's laid back, you're laid back. He's a storyteller (even his ads sound like stories), and you're a storyteller.

    I'm not Charlie Einstein, but it all seems to fit.
